LIT wing hung
Hong Kong
Lit Studio specialises in sculpture, art direction, set design, costume design and custom-made Cheongsam.
0 % - 100%
Magazine/ Commercial shooting / Music Video etc.
Please visit my instagram @lit_wh for more works
雜誌/商業攝影/MV 等
請到instagram @lit_wh 觀看更多作品
SCENOGRAPHY & Costume for SEVEN ALMOST DEADLY SOLOS - an immersive theatre-like exhibition X KIWI CHAN
30-31 March 2024 @jccac_jcbbt
Producer & Performing Artist | @kiwi.zzs
Lighting Designer | @billstinlx
Videographer | @thisisjiamin
Props Designer | @kkcrufus
Deputy Stage Manger | @ahniccc
Composer | @lukwaichun_composer
Art assistant | @cheukyinggg.10
Key Visual Design | @tubitubi86
Statement: (repost)
世道殘酷,誰教曉我冷漠?以「罪」入舞,有如被捧得高高在上的活祭品 猛然墜落帶來的契
機,再細讀伊莉莎伯女皇與瑪格麗特公主之間的親密與 焦灼,轉接成受傷母親的甜蜜復仇,
化身為深信「世上沒有醜女人,只有 懶女人」的假面伊人,微觀姬蜂對於毛毛蟲的無動於
生而為女子需要去領悟的大道理很多,成長教曉我諸事不分好壞,沒有殘 忍或善良,冷若冰
霜的外相包裹着焦灼難耐的思緒,我無法理解她者,是 因為我未有成為一個母親嗎?
In this cruel world, who teaches me to be indifferent?
I could not understand motherhood, just because I am not yet a mother?
This dance theatre performance is to illustrate seven deadly sins under the theme of the
mother wounds.
"The Mother Wound" is an issue that indicates the pain of being a woman
passed down through generations of women in patriarchal cultures. And it includes the
dysfunctional coping mechanisms that are used to process that pain.
病死之間明白生命無常。作品結合裝置、錄像以及現場表演,節 目全長約55分鐘,
是表演藝人陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan 首個長篇獨舞作品。
The work is targeted to be presented as immersive theatre-like exhibition, composed with installation, video works and live performance. The duration of the performance would be 55 minutes, and this project would be Kiwi Chan's first full-length solo performance.


Set for GRAZIA Malaysia June/July 2023
Words @_notpony
Photography @issaclam_
Creative Direction @iancanfly
Styling @izwanabdllh
Interview Assistance @pakkee
Interview Translation @real__jane0210
Makeup @pinkyku
Hair @kolen128
Photography Assistant @ngaivan @jason6_17 @kiano___
Styling Assistant @manfred__lu
Production: W.Y.Li
Music Video
Art direction & Set for @leoku 三部曲MV II 《順風車》
Starring @leoku @cloudwann
Cast @bryan_lsy
Director @thedorothylau
Producer @aj_avyon_c
Production Manager @ricky_nwk
Production @sction_l @jake.w_21
DOP @davecheungy
Grafter @finnian.fhn
Electrician Kaho , San
Focus Puller Lam Kwok San
2nd Assistant Camera @harryhincheuk , Cheung Yiu Chung
Art team @llikaww @sammyeung , Boy
Stylist (Leo) Anton Mak
Stylist (Delta, 應智越, Jackie) Ray fu
Styling Assistant @ysl.731 @yikchunpa___
Editing @pixelivan
Colour Grading @fmlik_
Title Design @whtihvdone
Makeup (Bryan) @kae.liii
Hair (Bryan) @zenkizen0401